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Car Hire and Van Rental in Horley

What to Know if Renting a Car or a Van

If you live or work in Horley, and if you are thinking of buying a new car or van, we recommend that you consider car rental or van hire first. Unless you plan on using the vehicle regularly, car hire and van rental will be considerably less expensive, time consuming and stressful. When you rent a car or hire a van through us, we remove the hassle and the expense that comes with owning and maintaining a vehicle.

Before rushing out to rent any old car or van, shop around and find the best hire deals in the Horley area.

This page takes a closer look at car hire and van hire, giving you the chance to make an informed decision on either buying or renting. Should you require more information, please visit our FAQ page or call us personally to talk over the phone. We very much look forward to doing business with you.


It doesn’t matter if you use car hire often, or if you are new to van rental; you must still rent a car or hire a van from a company with experience. To check company credentials, call them to ask for help and advice, and request testimonials from previous customers in or around the Horley area. The best car rental and van hire companies have a great deal of experience, and they know how to maintain a friendly, professional manner.

Having spent more than five decades in the automotive sector, Armstrong Selfdrive promises to look after your every need.


All motorists in Horley have their own needs. Keeping this in mind, the best car hire or van rental companies will be able to provide choices from a range of different vehicles. This ensures that you can rent a car or hire a van that ties in with your personal requirements. The Armstrong Selfdrive team is always here and ready to answer any questions you may have about the vehicles we currently keep in our fleet.

So, whether you need a specific make and model for car rental or a certain size of wheelbase for van hire, we should always have what you need. Please get in touch to find out more.


Here at Armstrong Selfdrive, your satisfaction is important to us. We offer car hire and van rental from 24 hours to 12 months. Whatever your requirements, you can be sure that Armstrong Selfdrive can help! Our company is within easy reach of Horley, but we can offer you a local collection service if needed. Avoid having to find your way to us. We can even come and collect from you again at the end of the hire period.

To find a great car rental or van hire company, ask family and friends if they know of a good one. Or just come to Armstrong Selfdrive. We have a reputation for excellence and can help customers in the Horley area to rent a car, or to hire a van, without any complications whatsoever.

Call Armstrong Selfdrive on 01293 551551 or 01342 714001 for car rental and van hire services in Horley.